CONTACT US +1 (786) 280-7861
Conscious Leadership & Life Transitions Coach
CoachSultant | Speaker | Facilitator | Resignifier

CONTACT US +1 (786) 280-7861
Conscious Leadership & Life Transitions Coach
CoachSultant | Speaker | Facilitator | Resignifier
If you want your business organization or team to thrive, developing your leadership, and leaders, at every level is the key, and so is uncovering the hidden causes of conative stress that causes mental energy depletion on a daily basis, leading to slowing down progress and ultimately disconnection and burnout.
Through our Strategic CoachSulting approach we focus on the core beliefs and silent challenges that are rarely discussed in training classes or through conventional leadership coaching, yet still hold you back as a leader, costing your business and organization time, energy and money.
Together we navigate these challenges with you, and build up the culture, the leadership and communication wellness skills you need: to become more effective, emotionally agile, resilient and a more successful leader from “The inside Out” Because leading the work is different from doing the work.
Leadership development requires personal development, specially in ever changing times like these. Successful leaders, like you, can
recognize the need to invest in themselves, and in those great individual contributors
thy continue to promote.
The goal is to finally wake up to a new way of leading in the world today, from which leaders make the choice to build trust and their people first, from the inside out, and remarkable things start to happen.”
Taking action, making decisions
and finding creative solutions in
this disruptive, ever changing and amazing journey we call life, goes far beyond our emotional and cognitive abilities.
We partner to create a more
meaningful and successful life for
you, and those around you, while
we explorin gyour life’s purpose
with excitement, curiosity and a
sense of adventure . In addition, I
can help you focus your time and
energy to be more productive and
creative in how to accomplish
your goals, while healing and removing emotional blockages that might be in your way!
You will experience a unique
coaching process that involves
emotional, spiritual, and
conversational intelligences to
remove blocks, reduce stress, and
shift your mindset, so you can
take action and make more assertive decisions, from a place of resilience, higher consciousness, and less stress, trusting your wisdom and intuition to move you froward, and reach ultimate success.
The ultimate goal is to align your
soul's purpose with that of your wellbeing in your business, at work and with your family.
It’s no secret that things are
changing at a rapid pace, all
around the world. Your financial
situation, your employment
situation, and because of social
distancing, your personal life
is very different, too.
So many things have changed!
It’s hard to know where to begin, where to let go and how to be productive. The good news is, there’s one thing about you that never changes and that you can count on when things get messy, and that is the connative part of your brain A.K.A your natural instincts.
As a Kolbe Certified Consultant, my mission is to help you
identify your natural strengths
and use them in the ways that best serve you, and the areas of your life you care about most.
In times of crisis, it’s even more
critical to reconnect with your life’s purpose, and to truly understand how you
naturally take action , and how tpeople around you instinctively do things, too.
The goal is to help you find the freedom of being yourself and your own definition of what real life success means to you!
To get more information on get Back To Greatness!
Global You más que una academia, es un equipo internacional de líderes y coaches comprometidos a acompañar tu proceso de transformación personal.
Marcamos la diferencia en esta época de cambios constantes, donde se requiere de nuevos niveles de aprendizaje y tomas de consciencia, para alcanzar tu máximo desarrollo y potencial como un lí
Global You más que una academia, es un equipo internacional de líderes y coaches comprometidos a acompañar tu proceso de transformación personal.
Marcamos la diferencia en esta época de cambios constantes, donde se requiere de nuevos niveles de aprendizaje y tomas de consciencia, para alcanzar tu máximo desarrollo y potencial como un líder más humano y a la vez puedas puedas acompañar a otros a alcanzar sus metas.
Global You es el cambio que deseas ser y ver, nosotros te mostramos cómo
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